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How Customer Segmentation Works?

If you want to attract the attention of your potential customer, it is a must that you understand how they would react to different marketing strategies. You have to gain an in-depth understanding of your market’s behavior. You would also need an idea about the things that would interest your market. This is where market segmentation would play a role in your marketing planning.Read More »How Customer Segmentation Works?

What You Should Know About Market Segmentation

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If you are planning to build a business, then it is vital that you know the important aspects of marketing. Knowing all the basic principles of marketing will help you establish a good brand in the business market. In this connection, you should understand what Market Segmentation is. However, for you to understand market segmentation, you should also understand its core, which is market segment.Read More »What You Should Know About Market Segmentation


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Last Friday we registered for #pitch10, as a result on Tuesday we ended up in the Tsunami of noise that followed as a result of the now infamous email to all entrants that didn’t make it.

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