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Email marketing trends in 2021 to boost conversion rates

Email marketing trends in 2021 to boost conversion rates

Email marketing trends in 2021 is a guest post from our friend Ermelinda Maglione at content specialists, Venngage.

Email marketing trends in 2021 to boost conversion rates

If there is something that never changes about the digital world, it is constantly changing and evolving. In 2020 we saw many things occur because of the pandemic, and in 2021 we have seen even more trends come to life.

However, despite these trends and changes, there is another truth: email marketing is here to stay. But, why?

Email marketing is not going anywhere

We have often heard internet gurus say that email marketing will die soon, that it won’t make it to 2021 because “users are not as invested in emails as they used to be,” and that social media is now the star.

However, year by year, we see email marketing staying strong. So, leaving it out of your digital marketing strategy would be a mistake.

Some people thought that with the introduction of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), many email subscribers would drip out. The truth is that they didn’t. Nonetheless, brands have to keep working hard to create quality content to succeed in any of their strategies, including email marketing.

We know that emails and newsletters are not the primary communication channels for millennials and Gen Z. However, the return on investment email provides is larger than other tools.

Accessibility is more important than ever

So far, accessibility has not been a priority for the corporate world, but brands have begun to realize that creating and distributing content universally includes a significant community left out.

You can adapt your content to reach people with impairments of sight, hearing, and mobility. This way, you will be improving your audience base.

Consider writing shorter paragraphs with enough spacing, establishing visual hierarchies through headers, including a clear call to action, and supporting your written content with images and infographics are ways you can improve the emails you send to reach a universal audience.

Artificial intelligence

Data has become a driving force in email marketing in the past few years. It allows us to analyze and determine market segments and how to reach them.

Also, you can collect data on how your customers behave, what their personalities are, and more. All of this, thanks to artificial intelligence.

AI helps collect data to achieve better conversions. It is also being used for email marketing automation, such as triggering responses and sending follow-up emails.

It is an important marketing trend because it can make your strategy customer-driven.

Omni-channel strategies

Omni-channel does not mean having a presence on multiple channels. It refers to marrying the strategies they have in all of their channels, email marketing included.

Therefore, it is not enough to focus on social media if you leave email marketing aside. They need to work side by side, including your website strategy.

You can push for email subscriptions on your social channels, incentivize users to subscribe, and prompt users to follow you on social media from your email campaigns.

Personalization is more important than ever

This is not a new trend. Personalizing emails is a practice that has been around for many years, and it still is crucial to email marketing. The main reason? It helps boost conversions.

However, it is not only about adding your subscriber’s email to the subject line; it is about creating personalized content that targets each one of your buyer personas. By understanding your customer segments, you can create content that they will respond to positively. 


These are some of the trends we have seen this year in email marketing, which, if implemented, can help increase open and conversion rates.

However, it can be challenging to implement all of the trends here, but you can try to do one at a time to make your strategy more effective in the long run.

It’s time to start getting more from your email marketing

Sign up for a free Websand demo and let’s show you how to get the best from your email marketing.

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