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Finding The Right Email Marketing Service For Your Ecommerce Store

Finding The Right Email Marketing Service For Your E-commerce Store

With the digital revolution, eCommerce has taken over as the world’s most popular way to shop. Unfortunately, that means that if your business is not already running an eCommerce store, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity.

Email marketing campaigns are one of the best ways to drive traffic and convert browsers into buyers for your online store. But with so many different email marketing services available today, how do you know which one is right for your needs?

In this post, we will discuss some of the things you should consider when looking for an Email marketing service provider for your company. 

But first, in case you hadn’t already realised, to provide full disclosure, Websand is an email marketing platform, so of course, we’d love to help you – starting with a free email marketing audit.

If you need more information before making the right decision to boost your email marketing results, read on 🙂

How Can Better Insights Improve an E-commerce Store?

Use a combination of analytics tools. Many companies rely on just Google Analytics or another basic web analytics tool as their only source of information about user behaviour. However, these free tools provide very little insight beyond page views and time spent on site. You need more than that if you want to increase sales because it’s not enough data to determine whether visitors are finding what they’re looking for or deciding not to buy. 

A better way is to use a combination of analytics tools that provide you with more in-depth information about your visitors and customers. This could be things such as where they come from (location), age and gender, what devices they’re using, how much time they spend on the site, who buys what, and how much they’re spending. You can also combine this data with other sources like social media, so you get an even bigger picture of who your potential buyers are. This will help ensure that when someone visits one of your pages for particular products or services, it’s easy to complete their purchase successfully. 

What are the Benefits of Dynamic Segmentation?

Website owners and eCommerce store managers who don’t use dynamic segmentation could be missing out on increased sales. Dynamic Segmentation technology is a powerful tool that can help online stores learn more about their customers and tailor their marketing efforts accordingly to drive the right traffic to each page of your website.

This means they will see which products sell best for them, so you know exactly what kind of ads will work most effectively for those potential buyers and increase conversion rates by showing visitors tailored offers based on data such as their location or gender. Thus, making it much easier for them to find what they’re looking for without having to sift through irrelevant options – resulting in higher average order values (AOV) from happy customers!

What Are the Benefits of Intuitive Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation is a software solution that allows you to automate repetitive tasks like sending emails, creating social media posts, and updating website content. With intuitive marketing automation software (such as Websand), all of your customer data can be stored in one place, so nothing gets missed.

The Result?

Your business becomes more efficient because activities are completed faster than ever before – saving both time and money!

You’ll also benefit from increased engagement with prospects or existing customers who will receive relevant information at the correct times, which could lead to higher conversion rates for eCommerce stores looking to increase their sales revenue!

What Should You Consider When Looking For an Email Marketing Service Provider? 

When choosing an email marketing service provider, don’t just go on price alone; there’s more to it than that.

Here are some of the questions you should ask before making a decision:

  • Will the email marketing software integrate with eCommerce platforms like Shopify, Magento, etc.? If not, does it have an integration option to suit your needs?
  • What kind of email marketing services do they offer?
  • Do they provide effective tracking and reporting tools for my business – such as open rates, click-through rates (CTR), unsubscribes, and spam reports?
  • How many email campaigns can I send per month without additional charges if the limits aren’t met, i.e., how much is included in their ‘free package’?
  • Can they offer solutions in terms of customer retention strategies?
  • How much support will I get from them, and who can I speak to if I need help with anything?
  • Will this limit cover all areas of my business or just a particular aspect of it?
  • Do they have an online community where users can post questions about their email marketing services so other customers can answer them too?
  • Do they provide 24/hr phone support in case there’s an issue that needs resolving urgently at the weekend or on bank holidays?
  • How quickly are issues resolved when you contact customer service?
  • Is this fast enough for your requirements, especially if time-sensitive messages need sending out ASAP, such as promotional deals, etc.?
  • Will the software integrate well with any other platforms, i.e. Social media sites like Facebook & Twitter, which many eCommerce store owners use nowadays alongside email marketing services?

In conclusion, the above are just some of the critical questions you should ask yourself when looking for an email marketing service provider. If your business needs more than one type of marketing automation, such as  automated emails, to be sent out at different times, be sure to check if the email marketing service provider you choose is flexible enough for your needs. 

Websand works hard to bring you the very latest in email automation, transactional insights and dynamic segmentation to supercharge your email campaigns and give you the most bang for your buck. And, for your utmost convenience, we are now available in the Shopify App.

It’s time to start getting more from your email marketing

Sign up for a free Websand demo and let’s show you how to get the best from your email marketing.

3 thoughts on “Finding The Right Email Marketing Service For Your Ecommerce Store”

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