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The Six Minute Marketing Automation Challenge

six minute marketing automation challenge

The Marketing Automation Challenge

Businesses are becoming increasingly aware of Marketing Automation, but in a lot of cases it’s not clear what it is or why it is important to them.  Websand is designed to make marketing automation easier and more accessible however, before we get into the Websand Six Minute Marketing Automation Challenge, let’s take a look at why marketing automation is becoming more and more important to businesses in all sectors.

Why Marketing Automation is Important

You grow your business through new business.  But to do that effectively means creating more business from existing customers as well as finding new valuable ones, and in an increasingly digital and data driven market place that is where marketing automation can really help.

Marketing Automation allows you to creating more business from existing customers, allowing you to create processes that automatically send targeted marketing messages based on customer value and behaviour (or lack of it).

Marketing Automation can also help the customer acquisition process by sending personalised messages to prospective customers and nurturing them towards a sale.

Marketing Automation is the tool that brings your marketing strategy to life.  Making seemingly complicated processes much easier to apply.  Sending targeted email messages to your customers when their behaviour meets one of your marketing rules.  In the same way as Google presents adwords when someone enters a search term that meets one of your PPC keywords, except you are in control of the process.


Why Marketing Automation is Really Important

If you are business that collects a lot of data then Marketing Automation can be is hugely rewarding, especially for e-commerce and subscription businesses.

Based on the results from our users, we see a 3x increase in marketing performance when they add marketing automation to their marketing plan which is a pretty significant difference.

Marketing Automation helping marketers to create new marketing processes that create NEW BUSINESS with LESS WORK, which explains why more and more marketers are exploring how they can benefit from marketing automation within their marketing plans.

And it’s not just e-commerce or subscription businesses, we’ve see the 3x increase consistently across a number of sectors.


Getting Started with Marketing Automation

However getting started with Marketing Automation can become a complicated process.

You need an objective, a plan and then the right marketing automation software to bring your marketing plan to life.

But don’t worry, we are here to help, at Websand our goal is to make marketing automation easiern so and to prove it we’ve set up our Websand Marketing Automation Challenge to put this to the test.  Does Websand make Marketing Automation easier?

The Websand Marketing Automation Challenge

The challenge presented here is about finding the right marketing automation software for your marketing needs.

So in the Websand Marketing Automation Challenge, we’ve set our Founder is to a create a marketing automation campaign or if you prefer ‘workflow’ in Websand within SIX minutes.

  • Set an objective (customer retention for people that haven’t bought in 200 days)
  • Create the audience through customer segmentation  (a managed group that only contains those people that haven’t bought in 200 days)
  • Create the mobile optimised email marketing message (you marketing message to get them to buy again and create new business)
  • Set up and make live the marketing automation campaign (the marketing process that sends the message to each member of the audience as they join the group)

It’s the Websand Six Minute Marketing Automation Challenge!

Will we succeed? Take a look.[vc_video link=””]

Can we help you with your Marketing Automation?

If you need help in getting started or refining your marketing automation or email marketing, get in touch by completing the form >> and we’ll arrange a call.

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