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Boost your engagement with Email Marketing Management

Get your email marketing managed by some of the best in the business

Sometimes you need some specialist help to get things up and running or to make sure that your email marketing is performing at it’s best. It’s a common challenge faced by marketing teams and business owners.

Taking care of all your email marketing challenges

Based on the hundreds of businesses we speak to every year, these are the typical issues they face.

  • Drowning in data.
  • Baffled by automations.
  • Confused by segmentation.
  • Reducing engagement or deliverability problems.
  • Limited by manual data capture or not sure what integration options they have.
  • Or just need a help to develop a plan for their email marketing and someone to do it for them.

If that sounds familiar, we can help.

Billions of emails sent over the last 15 years

Why Websand? We’ve spent over 15+ years in email marketing, we’ve sat on the DMA email council, been GDPR certified, Zapier accredited, as well as sending thousands of campaigns and billions of emails. We’ve worked with everyone from corporates to start-ups, businesses that are B2B focused, sell B2C and even B2B2C. Worked in most sectors you can think of, from agencies to travel agents (and everything in between).

Whatever your business size, sector or audience size. If you are struggling with email marketing, these packages are designed to help you get started or refine your strategies to boost your returns.

Three accessible packages to boost your performance

Based around the challenges that businesses explain to us every day, we’ve created 3 different packages to get your email marketing motoring, whichever platform you currently live in.

The packages are designed to be a quick, easy cost effective way to remove any email headaches you have and turn your email marketing back into a key marketing channel for your business.

And these packages are designed to be win-win. No horrible 12 month deals, we limit the initial period to 3 months, and then work on rolling monthly arrangement.

Taking care of all your email marketing challenges

Signup for one of the plans below and let us be responsible for maximising the effectiveness of your email marketing.

Need to talk about it first? Book a call.

No matter what size of business you are, it’s only natural to discuss some options before you agree to a plan.

If you are interested in having your email marketing managed but want to talk things through first, please book a call on the calendar below.